Hands on Learning
At Sorell School, we know that real world experience is at the heart of all quality learning.
Beginning in 2019 and supported by Save The Children who provide us with advice, resources and evaluation; Hands On Learning aims to provide primary and high school students with real world experience in an area that they are interested in, a sense of belonging and a group of people to belong to.
Staffed by a teacher and a Teacher’s Assistant at all times; Hands On Learning currently offers practical experience in Construction and Hospitality.
Importantly, both streams work closely with the South East Trade Training Centre to provide a seamless transition for students into Year 11/12.
Students attend Hands On Learning for one day per week and must be referred to the program by a year level coordinator or classroom teacher for a variety of reasons, including disengagement from work, behavioural issues, and an inability to forge strong friendships.
Students will also be referred if they display a clear passion for one of the streams on offer.
We know the power of real-world experience in education.
That’s why we ensure that Sorell School students can get their own hands on their own learning.