13 Feb 2025
Student Information Pack
Paddock 2 Plate
Meet and Greet
A message from our school nurse
STAS 2025
School Hoodies
Term 1 Assemblies K-6
Secure your spot for Run the Bridge
Are you interested in learning more about Autism?

I acknowledge, with deep respect, the traditional custodians of this land, the mumirimina people and pay my respects to Elders past and present, to the Aboriginal people with us today and to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community who continue to care for Country. I stand for a future that profoundly respects and acknowledges Aboriginal perspectives, culture, language and history.
Our School Values
Our Commitment: In partnership with community, we provide a welcoming school of choice that inspires and supports all learners to succeed as connected, creative and curious thinkers.
Dear Families,
Welcome back! We're excited to start the new school year with a strong focus on engaging students in their learning and improving academic outcomes.
Our teachers have worked hard to prepare the classrooms and ensure that everything is set up to support effective learning. We're committed to providing a productive and supportive environment for all our students.
Meet and Greet event
We would also like to invite you to our Meet and Greet event on March 4th from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. This is an important opportunity to discuss the learning programs with your child and their class teacher.
At the start of any school year, we welcome new staff. We are thrilled to have new members joining our team, bringing lots of fresh ideas, experience and enthusiasm to our community. We welcome -
Anthony Brien Secondary HPE
Olive Ashmore Secondary HPE
Jess Oxborrow Year 5 / 6
Sammi O’Brien Year 4 / 5 and 3 / 4
Trish Fleming Secondary Maths Science
Ryan Mills Primary HPE
Peta Baker School Administration
School Improvement
Continuing to improve reading outcomes is a priority for 2025. Our teachers and students will continue to focus on fluency techniques to support reading accuracy and rate. We look forward to focusing on comprehension strategies next.
Each professional learning team (PLTs) have reviewed their systematic curriculum delivery, with a clear sequence of learning to ensure all key concept are covered throughout the academic year.
Engagement for learning, Attendance and Safeguarding continue to be a focus.
Validation Forms
A reminder to return all forms as promptly as possible. These forms are essential in providing the school with updated permission advice.
Kelly Dyer
Email: sorell.school@decyp.tas.gov.au
Phone: (03) 6269 1100
It has been wonderful to see our Early Years students settling back into school life after a beautiful summer break. Their enthusiasm for learning and reconnecting with friends has made for a fantastic start to the year.
Our Kindergarten family interviews are currently underway, allowing us to meet with families and get to know our newest learners before they officially begin their first year of school. We are looking forward to welcoming them into our vibrant learning environment and supporting them as they take these exciting first steps in their school journey.
A big thank you to our families for ensuring students have brought their hats along to school. With UV levels still high, it’s great to see our SunSmart practices in action, helping to keep everyone safe while they enjoy the outdoors.
We would also like to let families know that there has been a change to our assembly time. Assemblies for Terms 1, 2, and 3 will now be held on Fridays from 12:50pm to 1:30pm, with our first assembly taking place on Friday 28 February.
Just a friendly reminder that we are an allergy aware school. We have students with severe, life-threatening anaphylactic reactions to nuts, so we kindly ask that you do not pack any nuts or nut-based products in your child’s lunch boxes. Your support in keeping all students safe is greatly appreciated.
Teresa Spinks
K-2 Assistant Principal
Welcome back everyone to the start of the new school year.
It has been pleasing to see students commence the new school year in such a positive and successful way. All classrooms have been calm and orderly and students have been engaged with their lessons.
Teachers and students have been co-constructing expectations on how to be effective learners in their classroom and in other spaces around the school. This has included unpacking our school values of Respect, Courage, Growth, Connection and Responsibility with student learning.
Students will continue to undertake Sorell Way challenges this term. These opportunities to work together as a whole class and develop connections and sense of belonging throughout the class and practice team building skills was hugely successful last year. Our first challenge will occur this week and we look forward to what classes create.
Trent Sproule and Jamie Harwood
3-6 Assistant Principals
The Year 7 and 8 students have hit the ground running for 2025. The uniform looks amazing. We love the new school hoodies. Learning programs are in full swing and it has been a pleasure to watch students across both Year 7 and 8 get on with it. Students are adjusting well to the new mobile phone and wireless headphone procedure with the pouches. Year 7 have not had one device pouched this year yet. Incredible! Teachers will be reaching out in the coming weeks via phone (if they haven’t already) to introduce themselves. We really value relationships with families. Please feel free to get in contact or book a meeting any time if you would like to speak to teachers or the leadership team in Year 7/8.
Year 7 Coordinator – Tom Burford
Year 8 Coordinator – Cayd McGuire
Lauren Clements and Sonia Marsh
7-9 Assistant Principals
Students in Year 10-12 have made an excellent start to the school year.
Its great to see our Year 10 cohort starting with such high energy! Already students are making plans for the year, setting goals and thinking about their opportunities for growth. I have enjoyed discussing specialist classes, apprenticeship and employment opportunities whilst hearing more about future pathway plans. Our Year 10 cohort are a truly ambitious bunch and I can see we have students striving for success from day 1.
Students in Year 11 -12 have started with a similar enthusiasm. Its great to see so many of our shared enrolments arriving on our VET specialist days, eager to learn, ready for a year of industry insight. Our teachers and trainers have been working hard personalising programs and supporting students in individual programs. As we head into the first few weeks of the school, Year 11 and 12 staff will be making contact with parents and families and checking students are enrolled in programs aligned with their pathway and future endeavours.
Luke Hamilton
10-12 Assistant Principal
Student Information Pack

Paddock 2 Plate

Paddock to Plate Lunches will start in Week 5, 2025 (week beginning 3 March) and continue through to the end of Term 4 in 2025.
Lunches will be $3 dollars per day paid through the Qkr! App.
Available Mon - Thurs, for Years 3-6.
The School Lunch Program provides a nutritious, cooked, sit down meal. This can benefit children in many ways, such as encouraging optimal learning, engagement, social skills and connectedness whilst at school.
There will be a form sent home to complete for the relevant Year groups in the coming days with more information.
Scott Hutchinson,
Hospitality Teacher
Meet and Greet

A message from our school nurse

STAS 2025
Are you eligible for STAS?
If you have a current concession card as listed below, you can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia – Centrelink Health Care Card
- Services Australia – Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia – Pensioner Concession Card
- Department of Veteran Affairs – Pensioner Concession Card
Note: Parents/guardians must have a concession card. STAS does not apply to a student’s concession card.
School Hoodies
The new school hoodie has been a hit and looks fantastic.
They are currently sold out, but the wait for more to become available should not be too long.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours.
Tuesday 3PM - 5PM
Wednesday 8:15AM - 9:15AM
Thursday 3PM - 5PM
Located at the side of the secondary school gym.
There has been a slight increase in uniform prices.
For more information contact: Julie Cleaver 0408 829 516 sorellschoolshop@gmail.com

Term 1 Assemblies K-6



Secure your spot for Run the Bridge

Are you interested in learning more about Autism?